Back to the 80's: Jade Rose gets tied and gagged before a 80's party by a mysterious burgl
Back to the 80's: Jade Rose gets tied and gagged before a 80's party by a mysterious burglar! (Part 2) Jade Rose 终于成功逃脱,但她并不太在意自己的住所被盗,而是换上了一件超级 80 年代令人兴奋的金属红色连衣裙,她的金色长发、钢蓝色眼睛和 80 年代的风格看起来令人惊叹不已。 衣服,现在她已经准备好参加聚会了,但窃贼仍然在附近! 蒙面入侵者将杰德扔到沙发上,并将她的双手举过头顶,他从她的眼睛里看到她正在享受被压倒和顺从的感觉! 窃贼再次用胶带堵住了杰德的嘴,并用拉链将她的双手绑在背后,然后将她绑在椅子上,让她在椅子上挣扎了几个小时。 最后,到了晚上,窃贼剪断了杰德的拉链并离开了,告诉她他可能很快就会回来……而杰德会等待! Jade Rose finally managed it to get free but she doesn't care much about her place being burglarized instead she changes her outfit for a super 80's electrizing metallic red dress, she looks beyond stunning with her long blonde hair, steel blue eyes and her 80's outfit, now she is ready to party, but the burglar is still around! The masked intruder drops Jade to a couch and hold her hands above her head, and he can see in her eyes she is enjoying being overpowered and submissive! The burglar gags Jade again with duct tape and ties her hands behind her back with zip ties, then ties her to a chair where she spends hours struggling. Finally by the end of the night the burglar cuts the zip ties that hold Jade and leaves, telling her that he might be back soon... and Jade will be waiting!