佐伊是一名秘书,被蒙面入侵者抓住。 她很快就被胶带绑住了,堵住了嘴,无助地挣扎着,讲着笑话。 佐伊的心因恐惧而狂跳,她拼命试图摆脱束缚。 伴随着低沉的呼救声,她的眼睛在房间里扫视,寻找任何逃生的方法。 她的管道胶带包裹堵嘴为填充的搅拌机包裹堵嘴腾出了空间。 她...Zoey is a secretary that is grabbed by a masked intruder. She is soon duct tape tied, wrap gagged, struggles and gag talks helplessly. As Zoey's heart races with fear, she desperately tries to free herself from the tight restraints. With muffled cries for help, her eyes dart around the room, searching for any means of escape. Her duct tape wrap gag makes room for a stuffed blenderm wrap gag. She...