Persefone Interrogated by Dominatrixes Shey and Lex
原画质 原始大小
清晰版 640×360
流畅版 320×180
文件大小: 925MB
视频时长: 00:31:00
文件格式: MP4
barry yon
珀塞丰掌握着有关腐败政客的绝密信息,谢伊和莱克斯被他们派去获取这些信息并被消灭。 两人在珀耳塞福涅的家中抓获了她,当时她正在化妆,并把她带到地牢进行审问。 Shey和Lex是两个非常高大强壮的女孩,他们毫无问题地制服了Persefone,他们将她放在担架上,并将她的双手和手臂绑在担架的铁杆上,然后将她的双腿从膝盖到脚踝并在一起 由于有很多绳子和她的大脚趾,她的嘴也被堵住了。
Lex和Shey用油按摩Persefone漂亮的脚底,现在他们开始用手和长指甲给她挠痒痒,Persefone经常笑,但她不会说话,她移动很多,所以他们用更多的绳子把她的脚绑在上面 铁棒这样当它们挠她痒痒的时候她就几乎无法移动它们。 Shey拿起一个按摩器,痒痒得难以忍受,Persefone忍不住笑,她几乎无法蠕动,不得不忍受这种惩罚,他们多次询问她是否愿意说话并给他们信息,但Persefone忍了很多分钟 挠痒痒的时候,莱克斯尝试用铲子抽打她的脚,谢伊则用其他物体来挠她痒痒,他们不断地询问,但珀斯丰是一个非常坚强的女孩,她设法忍受这一切……莱克斯和谢伊寻找另一种选择。
他们把她带到床上,把珀耳塞福涅绑得非常紧,弯曲受害者的背部和脖子,莱克斯和谢伊告诉她,她会保持这种状态,直到她决定说话,他们离开了几个小时,然后离开 珀耳塞福涅独自一人,被捆绑着,嘴巴被塞住,她能忍受这种地狱般的束缚多久?Persefone has top secret information about corrupt politicians, Shey and Lex have been sent by them to get that information and be eliminated. The two of them capture Persefone at her home while she is putting on her makeup and take her to the dungeon for interrogation. Shey and Lex are two very tall and strong girls, they manage to overpower Persefone without any problem, they stretch her on a stretcher and tie her hands and arms on the iron bars of the stretcher, then her legs together from her knees to her ankles with a lot of rope and her big toes, she is also gagged.
Lex and Shey massage the soles of Persefone's pretty feet with oil, now they start tickling her with their hands and long nails, Persefone laughs a lot, but she won't talk, she moves a lot so with more ropes they tie her feet to the iron bar so she can't hardly move them when they tickle her. Shey picks up a massage device which gives unbearable tickling, Persefone can't stop laughing, she can hardly squirm and has to endure this punishment, they ask her several times if she will talk and give them the information, but Persefone endures for many minutes of tickling, Lex tries whipping her feet with a shovel and Shey with other objects to tickle her, they keep asking, but Persfone is a very tough girl, she manages to endure it all.... Lex and Shey look for another alternative.
They take her to a bed and tie Persefone in a very tight hogtied hogtied, bending the back and neck of her victim, Lex and Shey tell her that she will stay that way until she decides to talk, they leave for a few hours and leave Persefone alone, bound and gagged, how long will she be able to endure that hell of bondage?
片名:Persefone Interrogated by Dominatrixes Shey and Lex