Title: Natalie Carnot Chairtied in her Red Satin Blouse
Description: Natalie couldn't believe that the guy at the front desk was insisting that she had to be in the room while he sent someone up to check on the electrical issue, or was it a plumbing problem? The guy seemed so vague but also weirdly insistent. Natalie knew that she had a tendency to sometimes be too agreeable with people but she figured the hassle would be over in just a few minutes. And then she could get out of there and continue with her plans to go out. Somehow though things turned out a little differently, as they so often do. The guy who showed up seemed odd and nervous, but whatever. She'd only turned her back for a moment when she felt the hand clamping down over her mouth and the force against her body as she was pulled down onto the sofa. They always say that things like this happen in slow motion, which is exactly what it felt like. She felt strangely calm as she realized that she was being tied up, almost as if she were watching it happen to someone else. Now though she just felt stupid for letting herself be tricked, sitting here lashed down to a folding chair with her mouth fully stuffed with a pair of her own used panties. And the guy really knew how to tie people up! The sickening thought she had though was what would happen next? And what was this creepy guy up to? She tried desperately to undo her wrists but with her hands wrapped up there was no way to get free. It was only a matter of minutes now as she waited for her abductor to come out of the bathroom. And she realized she hadn't even told anyone she was staying here in this weird hotel. With a sick feeling she realized she might be totally screwed!
片名:Natalie Carnot Chairtied in her Red Satin Blouse