Title: Bettie Cho Returns Chairtied and Hooded! - (伪娘)
Description: This is a brand-new video with CD Bettie Cho, who returns to Trannies In Trouble. We see Bettie fully chairtied as Sandra gags her with a pair of panties and a tight cleave gag. Bettie's mouth is really stuffed, and we can see how real the gag is while she moans and complains. Then Sandra adds several layers of vetwrap to make the gag more intense. Bettie continues to react to her strict gagging and finally Sandra gets a cell phone call from a mutual friend who's dealing with some kind of major crisis at home.
Sandra assures their friend that she'll be right over to help her, but first she has to finish tying up Bettie. Sandra pulls down Bettie's top to expose her breasts, adds an opaque pantyhose hood to the helpless CD, and a neck rope to keep her alert. Finally, Sandra gives her wrist tie a tug and adds clothespins to Bettie's nipples, assuring Bettie that she'll be back in just a few minutes.
Bettie moans and complains, doing some nice gag talking. She can't believe that Sandra has left her so strictly tied up!
片名:Bettie Cho Returns Chairtied and Hooded! - (伪娘)