Helplessly tethered to her bed then cruelly hogtied
脾气暴躁的金发女郎阿莱格拉被留在床上等着,她的脖子被绑在床头板上。 身穿红色缎面衬衫、紧身氨纶铅笔裙和细高跟靴,她的肘部紧紧地压在背后,但手腕仍然自由。 阿莱格拉低头看着将她穿着靴子的脚踝和膝盖紧紧绑在一起的绳子。 她对着堵嘴呻吟着,试图把那块味道难闻的抹布从嘴里推出来,但她嘴上和头上缠着一层紧紧的胶带,阻止她把堵嘴推出来。 她觉得自己有机会逃脱绳索,她像脚蹼一样挥动双手,伸出手指去抓绑住她膝盖的绳索。 但那些绳子根本够不到,而且她的脖子被拴在床头板上,她无法伸展得足够远。 她意识到她需要从床头板上松开才能有逃跑的机会。 所以接下来她试图用她的脚蹼手伸出来试图抓住脖子上的绳子,但这也被证明是徒劳的,她甚至试图伸手把讨厌的胶带从她脸上拉下来,再次刚刚出来 的到达。 阿莱格拉并不打算放弃,她在床上不断蠕动,尽其所能地扭动喉咙,试图找到合适的位置来解开一些绳结。 然后猎人回来,将她的手腕紧紧绑在一起,剥夺了她唯一真正的自由。 他打开她的缎子上衣,然后从床头板上解开她的脖子。 阿莱格拉被推倒在床上,腹部着地,她穿着靴子的脚踝被拉到屁股上。 他将颈绳的自由端拉到她的脚上,并将绳子穿在她的脚踝之间。 她脚踝和脖子之间的绳子拉紧,让她[X_X]。 阿莱格拉被留在床上,试图保持双脚向上,以免拉扯喉咙绳。 她轻咬的手指也试图找到脚踝周围的结,试图将她的脚从喉咙绳上解放出来,但她可怜的双手开始变得麻木,她开始失去所有希望Bratty blond Allegra has been left waiting on the bed sitting with her neck tied to the head board. Wearing a red satin blouse, skin tight spandex pencil skirt and stiletto heeled boots her elbows are crushed tightly together behind her back but her wrists still free. Allegra looks down at the ropes binding her booted ankles and knees tightly together. She moans into her gag and tries to push the nasty tasting rag out of her mouth but the tight layer of duct tape wrapped over her mouth and around her head prevent her from dislodging her gag. She feels she has a chance of escaping the ropes with her swing her hands around like flippers reaching out with her outstretch fingers for the ropes binding her knees. But those ropes are just out of reach and with her neck tethered to the head boards she can't quite stretch far enough. She realizes that she needs to get loose from the head board to have any chance of escape. So next she tries to reach up with her flipper hands trying to get at the rope around her neck but this also proves to be futile, she even makes an attempt to reach up and pull the hated duct tape off her face, once again just out of reach. Allegra isn't about to quit as she wriggles around on the bed as much as the throat rope allows trying to get in position to get at some of the knots. Then the Hunter returns and ties her wrists tightly together taking away her only real freedom. He opens her satin top and then unties her neck from the head board. Allegra is pushed down onto the bed onto her belly and her booted ankles are pulled up to her ass. He pulls the free end of the neck rope down to her feet and feeds the rope between her ankles. The rope between her ankles and neck is pulls taut choking her. Allegra is left on the bed trying to keep her feet pulled up to keep from pulling down on the throat rope. Her nibble fingers also try to find the knots around her ankles to try to free her feet from the throat rope but her poor hands are starting to go numb and she begins to lose all hope