当麦肯齐·蒙哥马利得知一个可怕的秘密时,她被克里斯汀·卡赞捆绑并藏在地下室。 米歇尔·莱文 (Michelle Levon) 成为她父亲公司的首席执行官,但心怀不满的助理雪莉·雷诺兹 (Sherri Reynolds) 给她带来了一个爆炸性的惊喜。 经过一天的辛苦工作后,伊莎贝拉·桑托斯正在放松——然后一个入侵者将她捆绑起来并堵住了自己的嘴。 麦迪逊·摩尔正计划向克里斯·莫兰购买保险,但一名大胆的窃贼搁置了他们的交易。 这位盗窃的音乐爱好者非常想要贾娜·科瓦和伊莎贝拉·贾纳切克的无价手稿,以至于他把他们绑在钢琴前,堵住了他们的嘴。 心怀嫉妒的伴侣汉娜·瑟曼与一名暴徒密谋绑架选美选手克里斯蒂娜·卡赞,但自己却遭到束缚。When Mackenzie Montgomery learns a terrible secret, she's bound and hidden in the basement by Christine Kazan. Michelle Levon becomes CEO of her father's company, but disgruntled assistant Sherri Reynolds has an explosive surprise for her. After a hard day's work, Isabella Santos' relaxing - - then an intruder her to bind and gag herself. Madison Moore's planning to buy insurance from Crissy Moran when a daring burglar puts their deal on hold. The larcenous music lover wanted Jana Cova and Isabella Janacek's priceless manuscript so badly that he left them bound and gagged at their piano. Envious chaperone Hannah Thurman conspires with a thug to grab beauty contestant Christina Kazan but winds up in bondage herself.