尼斯波莉来找我寻求束缚体验。 这个戴着大眼镜的不寻常女孩脑子里在想什么? 这是她第一次尝试用绳子触碰自己的身体。 我将她的双手绑在背后,注意到她的 T 恤下面没有穿胸罩。 由于这个亚洲女孩非常勇敢,我在她的两腿之间绑了一条紧绳。 让我们看看她有多喜欢[X_X]上的压力。 我正在为她做一个劈叉口。 波莉尝试着给自己绑上绑带,观察到这种不适,但无法摆脱它。 绳子摩擦着她的[X_X],她眼神中的勇气也少了一些。Nice Polly came to me for bondage experience. What's in the head of this unusual girl with big glasses? It is the first time she has tried the touch of a rope on her body. I tie her hands behind her back, noting that she doesn't have a bra under her T-shirt. Since this asian girl is so brave, I make her a tight rope between her legs. Let's see how she likes the pressure on her clitor. I'm making a cleave gag for her. Polly tries the hogtie on herself, observing the discomfort, but not being able to get out and avoid it. The rope rubs her clitor and the courage in her gaze has become a little less.