令人惊叹的尼基·李·杨 (Niki Lee Young) 饰演索拉拉 (Solara)。索拉拉跟随线索寻找被危险制造者击败并俘虏的继姐妹苏珀莉亚,进入一座废弃的仓库,却没有意识到等待着她的是精心策划的陷阱。危险制造者制定了一个邪恶的计划来捕获索拉拉并将她纳入他的收藏中。在轻松解决了他笨手笨脚的追随者后,索拉与她的对手面对面,决心查明她继姐妹的下落,并将危险制造者绳之以法。索拉拉(Solara)早期控制了战斗,似乎在玩弄恶棍,但下一秒就变得更加自信。直到危险制造者揭示了他的秘密武器,神经元干扰器,旨在做一件事,打倒索拉拉。我们勇敢的女主人公自以为是,坚信他所拥有的任何东西都无法伤害她,直到她被装置击中,痛苦地跪倒在地。她站了起来,但再次被该装置击中,最终她跪倒在地,然后毫不客气地踢到了她的背上,危险制造者第三次击中了她,几乎使美丽的女主人公失去了行动能力。不幸的是,对于索拉拉来说,这只是她噩梦的开始,因为危险制造者开始系统性地摧毁我们勇敢的女英雄,她正在遭受其强大装置的影响。她遭受拳打脚踢、过肩摔、过膝摔。索拉拉试图挽回并反击,直到危险制造者引入了一种液体形式的夜明矿,阻止了她的脚步。醒来后,这个恶棍被绑在一根柱子上,幸灾乐祸地继续惩罚索拉拉,用斗篷掐住她的脖子,猛击她的腹部,拉下她的裙子和上衣摸她的胸部。索拉拉最终被困在吊笼里,并收到最后通牒,要么投降,要么面临未知的命运,事情变得更糟。索拉拉能逃出笼子吗?还是还有另一个惊喜等着她。她会向危险制造者投降并成为他的奴隶吗?
Stunning Niki Lee Young stars as Solara. Following a lead to find her step-sister Superia,who was defeated and captured by PerilMaker,Solara enters an abandoned warehouse unaware of the well orchestrated trap that awaits her. PerilMaker has a diabolical plan to capture Solara and add her to his collection. After dispatching his bumbling henchman with ease Solar comes face to face with her adversary determined to find out what happened to her step-sister and bring PerilMaker to justice. Solara takes early control of the fight seemingly toying with the villain,growing more confident by the second. That is until PerilMaker reveals his secret weapon,The Neuronal Disruptor, designed to do one thing, take down Solara. Our brave heroine is cocky convinced nothing he has can hurt her until she is blasted by the device,driving her to her knees in pain. Gathering herself she gets to her feet but is again blasted by the device,eventually driven to her knees then unceremoniously kicked to her back where PerilMaker blasts her for a third time nearly incapacitating the beautiful heroine. Unfortunately for Solara this is only the beginning of her nightmare as PerilMaker begins a systematic destruction of our brave heroine who is suffering the effects of his powerful device. She is subjected to punches,kicks,over the shoulder backbreakers,over the knee backbreakers. Solara tries to recoup and fight back until PerilMaker introduces a liquid form of Luminite that stops her in her tracks. Awakening bound to a bondage pole the gloating villian continues to punish Solara,choking her with her cape,slamming punches to her stomach,pulling down her skirt and her top to grope her breasts. Things get worse as Solara ends up trapped in a hanging cage and given an ultimatum,surrender or face an unknown fate. Can Solara escape the cage or is there yet another surprise in store for her. Will she surrender herself to PerilMaker and become his slave?