我的朋友吉吉刚刚搬了新家。 除了这把椅子之外,里面什么都没有。 我有了一个很好的主意如何处理这把椅子。 可以这么说,是时候给这个家命名了。 我把 GiGi 绑得又紧又紧,然后让她坐在一辆全新的日立车上,和她在一起,听她求我停下来,真是太有趣了。My friend GiGi had just gotten a new home. There wasn't even anything in it yet but this one chair. I had a great idea what to do with this chair. It was time to christen the home so to say. I tied GiGi nice and tight and sat her on a brand new Hitachi, it was so much fun to mess with her and listen to her beg me to stop.