自从我在商场抓到达科塔以来,她一直很不守规矩,一有机会就试图逃跑,但也许在我的地下室里独自一人,被绑住并堵住嘴,会改变她的态度。 这个可怜的女孩只穿着蓝色胸罩、内裤和黑色高跟鞋,被绑在我储物区的一根横梁上,当她试图挣脱时,她在寒冷中瑟瑟发抖。 达科塔并没有简单地屈服于她的命运,而是曲折地利用绳索允许的所有自由尝试寻找逃脱的方法。 她的嘴里塞满了布,并用兽医包裹封住,这样她的抱怨和恳求就不会打扰楼上的我。 即便如此,她发出的噪音对我来说还是太大了,所以我在已经很紧的堵嘴上加了几圈电工胶带来斥责这个女孩。 她对此一点也不高兴,当她得知她在地下室的停留时间将延长几天时,她更不高兴了! 现在她真的很想逃跑,她差点把双手从绑在横梁上的绳子上解开,但这个可怜的东西被抓住了! 作为惩罚,我用一条严格的绑带绑住她,让她弯腰,双臂高举到身后的空中,露出她可爱的小屁股! 她真的很痛苦,摇摇晃晃地走来走去,试图挣脱束缚,但她知道这是没有希望的。 她现在是我的了,是我食品储藏室的完美补充!Dakkota has been quite unruly since I captured her at the mall and tries to escape every chance she gets, but maybe a little alone time all by herself bound and gagged in my basement will change her attitude. Clad only in her blue bra and panties and black high heels, the poor girl is lashed to a beam in my storage area, and left to shiver in the cold as she tries to free herself. Dakkota doesn’t simply give in to her fate, and twists and turns, using all the freedom the ropes allow to try and find a way to escape. Her mouth is stuffed with cloth and sealed shut with vet wrap so her whining and pleading won’t disturb me upstairs. Even so, she’s making far too much noise for my liking, so I reprimand the girl by adding a few wraps of electrical tape over the already tight gag. She’s not happy about this at all, and less happy when she learns her stay in the basement will be extended a few days! Now truly anxious to escape, she manages to nearly untie her hands from the beam they are lashed to, but the poor thing gets caught! For punishment, I bind her in a strict strappado, her to bend over with her arms raised high into the air behind her and her cute little ass on display! Truly miserable, she waddles around trying to free herself, but she knows it’s hopeless. She’s mine now, and a perfect addition to my pantry!