在抢劫过程中,入侵者不得不躲藏起来,因为房子的主人回来了。 他在藏身处看着她脱掉衣服,只穿着连裤袜和衬衫。 当他看到一个性感的孤独女孩时,他的计划改变了,他决定和她一起玩。 他袭击了女孩,将她紧紧绑住,并用胶带遮住了她的嘴和眼睛。 她试图摆脱束缚,但她做不到,她所有的恳求也无济于事。During the robbery, the intruder has to hide because the owner of the house returns. He watches from his hideout as she undresses and remains in only pantyhose and a blouse. At the sight of a sexy lonely girl, his plans change and he decides to play with her. He attacks the girl, ties her tightly and covers her mouth and eyes with duct tape. She tries to get out of bondage, but she can’t and all her pleas don’t help either.