Encased from head to toe in strong and tight duct tape, with no chance of escape
所以我们把所有这些管道胶带放在周围,两大卷,我看到所有这些女孩的图像完全包裹在胶带中,并认为“嗯,这看起来很有趣”,所以决定尝试一下。 从头顶到脚趾尖,我的整个身体都被胶带缠住了,鼻子上只有一个小洞可以呼吸。 我完全被困住了,没有逃脱的机会,也几乎没有活动。 当我躺在黑暗而封闭的世界中一动不动时,我想知道这次我是否走得太远了,以及如何摆脱粘性胶带!So we had all of this duct tape laying around, two large rolls, and I've seen all these images of girls fully encased in tape and thought "hmm, that looks like fun", so decided to give it a go. Duct tape is taped around my entire body from the very top of my head to the very tips of my toes, with just a small hole over my nose to breathe through. I'm completely encased with no chance of escape and very little movement. As I lay there completely immobile in my dark and encased world, I wonder to myself if maybe this time I went to far, and how does one even get out of sticky duct tape!!!