Fantom Faith一直在犯罪之城打击犯罪,但她的任务并不总是像她预期的那样结束。这一次,恶棍们得到了最好的她,或者他们是这么认为的。Fantom Faith被许多层透明的粘性塑料包裹着,除了鼻子和双层紧身的脚,其他一切都覆盖着。她从XXXX XXXX中醒来,发现自己陷入了木乃伊制作的困境。她立刻知道自己必须逃离,否则将面临来自城市卑鄙小人的更多愤怒。她挣扎着,浑身大汗淋漓。当塑料紧紧地压在她的脸上时,她的脸仍然扭曲XXXX Fantoms Fayths红色口红严重涂抹和弄脏了下面。在她的挣扎中,你可以通过OTM包裹的头部插科打诨不断地听到她的mmpph。她真的陷入了困境,但她并没有放弃她那令人疲惫的挣扎,因为塑料开始分离并移动,给Fantom Faith带来了逃跑的希望。当她从干尸身上一块一块地撕开时,她没有放弃。她下定决心,这种束缚方式不会让她被俘虏,因为她最终逃离了束缚之网,知道她会找到绒毛人并复仇。
Fantom Fayth has been fighting crime through the city of criminals but not always does her missions end the way she anticipates. This time the villains get the best of her, or so they think. Fantom Fayth is wrapped in many many layers of clear sticky plastic covering everything except her nose and her double layered tight clad feet. She wakes up from her XXXX XXXX to find herself in this mummification predicament. She immediately knows she must escape or face more wrath from the cities vile villains. She struggles and sweats beneath all the layers. Her face remains distorted as the plastic harshly presses against her face XXXX Fantoms Fayths red lipstick to smear and smudge badly beneath. In her struggles, you hear her mmpphhing constantly through her OTM wrapped head gag. She is really in a bind but she doesn't give up her exhausting struggle as the plastic starts to separate and move to give Fantom Fayth a gXXXXse of hope to escape. She doesn't give up as she rips piece by piece from her mummified body. She is determined that this means of bondage will not keep her captive as she eventually escapes her web of binds knowing she will find the villian and get her revenge.