Wonder woman of an up and coming heroine & breaks into her house to capture her in her civilian disguise. She plans to examine this new Wonder Girl & drain her of her powers. Surprising Wonder Girl, Star is easily able to dominate her, stripping her out of her civilian clothing, groping, gagging & fondling her.
Wonder Star leaves the room to prepare a special formula that will strip Wonder Girl of her powers & turn her into an ordinary girl. Slowly regaining her strength, Wonder Girl puts on her costume. She rushes Wonder Star when she returns, but is easily overpowered. Star toys with Wonder Girl, examining & groping her in her costume before dragging her over to a chair. She rolls Wonder Girl's head from side to side, promising to turn her into something perfectly ordinary. She ties the aspiring heroine to the chair as she prepares the exam table.
Wonder Girl lays on the exam table as Wonder Star drains her of her powers. She takes her time enjoying her conquest as she strips the now ordinary girl of her super heroine costume, groping her at will as she goes. Star strips down as well & tries on the Wonder Girl costume before leaving Melody on the table naked, powerless & ordinary.