高级时装模特Vivian Rose再次来访! 这里天气暖和了,又可以穿泳衣了! 在第一个场景中,她穿着 PVC 泳衣着迷,幻想着被绑在里面。 她戴上角色扮演面具以获得戏剧性和照片效果。 接下来,她用黑色 PVC 面板堵住自己的嘴,装配工用配套的 PVC 臂带将她绑起来。 她只能在那里蠕动、挣扎,口水流了下来,因为她无法控制。 最后,手臂上的绑带被取下,她自己也摘下了嘴里的布,并在场景淡出时向观众致意。
绝对是闪亮物品爱好者的必买之选! 拥有全 PVC 服装和装备。High fashion model Vivian Rose visits us again! It's warm enough here to do swimsuits again! In the first scene, she mesmerizes in the PVC swimsuit, fantasizing about being tied up in it. She puts on a cosplay mask for dramatic and photo effects. Next, she gags herself with a black PVC panel gag, and the rigger straps her in with a matching PVC armbinder. She is left there to squirm and struggle, drool come running down as she can't control. In the end, the armbinder is removed and she takes off the gag herself and greets the audience as the scene fades out.
Definitely a must-buy for shinny stuff lovers! Featuring full PVC garment and gear.