故事达丽娜是一位老板,她希望被她的员工绑起来并堵住嘴。 她被胶带重重捆绑,并用胶带堵住了嘴。 她在束缚中挣扎,并试图通过堵嘴尽可能多地说话。 达丽娜继续蠕动着,语无伦次地咕哝着。 尽管身处困境,达琳娜的眼中仍闪烁着兴奋的光芒,她正在测试自己的克制极限……Story Darina is the boss who wants to be tied and gagged by her employee. She is heavily tied with duct tape and wrapped around duct tape gagged. She struggles in her bondage and tries to speak as much as possible through her gag. Darina continues to squirm and mumble incoherently. Despite her predicament, there is a glint of excitement in Darina's eyes as she tests the limits of her restraints....