Tales of Tiedsville : THE SLAVES OF DOCTOR PSYCHO! (Part 1 of 3)
原画质 原始大小
高清版 1280×720
清晰版 640×360
流畅版 320×180
文件大小: 944MB
视频时长: 00:20:28
文件格式: MP4
不久之后,黑发神奇女侠(由克莱尔·韦尔饰演,根据 IADC 收到的线报进行追踪)在午夜穿过城市黑暗的街道,希望在精神博士伤害任何人之前抓住他。到达惊魂博士最后一个已知的藏身处后,神奇女侠利用她的超能力轻松地将门上的钢锁拧成废金属。她走进去,看到一个红发女人脸朝下躺在地毯上。她冲过去帮忙,发现那人是神奇维维安,四年前她曾在一次任务中与她一起工作过。两个亚马逊“姐妹”高兴地重聚,急切地重新认识自己,并像真正的朋友一样拥抱在一起。不幸的是,这次重聚是短暂的,因为精神病医生默默地发送了心灵感应“钥匙”来解锁神奇维维安野蛮的一面,维维安的整个性格被重写,她野蛮地转向了她曾经的朋友。神奇维维安使用膝盖猛击和旋转圈踢,轻松击败了毫无戒心的神奇女侠,并将她重重地摔倒在坚硬的地板上。神奇女侠跨坐在神奇女侠身上,将她压倒,神奇薇薇安从她身后拉出一块看起来很熟悉的红布,并将其牢牢地夹在神奇女侠的鼻子和嘴巴上。尽管神奇女侠奋力挣扎,但她曾经的朋友背叛了她,不久之后,这位年轻的亚马逊公主就被来自另一个宇宙的年长(现在邪恶)的双胞胎击败了。神奇女侠被打败并被神奇维维安俘虏,成为她无能为力的囚犯,接下来会发生什么?
Wonder Vivian, coughing and gasping from the white billowy clouds of mist and quickly succumbing to the anesthetic, tries to crawl away to safety. Doctor Psycho torments Wonder Vivian brutally though and holds her in the room long enough for the gas to do it's job. As Wonder Vivian collapses on the floor the tiny man examines her by doing several arm checks on her, her bracelets making a pleasing clattering sound against the ceramic tile as he drops both of her arms onto the floor as part of his examination to see if Vivian is still awake. After making sure that Wonder Vivian isn't shamming, Dr. Psycho loads a tiny cerebro-chip (smaller than a dime) onto the pneumatic tip of his golden cane and injects the mind-controlling chip into the base of Wonder Vivian's neck. Activating the cybernetic programming, the chip sends a steady stream of cyber-directives straight into Wonder Vivian's mind, rewarding her with self-autonomy when Vivian complies and activating painful neuron-receptors when Vivian refuses to cooperate.Testing his invention, Doctor Psycho makes Wonder Vivian perform several small tasks such as grabbing at her own breasts, professing her unwavering loyalty, and standing on one leg in the classic (and time-honored) tradition of brain-control stimuli. Convinced that Wonder Vivian is now his loyal puppet, Dr. Psycho plays lustfully with Wonder Vivian's long and luscious red hair while he plants a subconscious telepathic directive into Wonder Vivian's mind, instructing the gorgeous redheaded amazonian princess to remain free-willed *until* given a specific set of telepathic instructions, in which case she is to immediately revert to a and dangerous psychopath in order to try and defeat Wonder Woman at the first available opportunity. Wonder Vivian nods, understanding completely.Not long afterwards the dark-haired Wonder Woman (played by Claire Vail, and following up on a tip received at the I.A.D.C.) runs through the darkened streets of the city at midnight hoping to catch Dr. Psycho before he can harm anyone. After arriving at Dr. Psycho's last known hideout, Wonder Woman uses her super-strength to easily twist the steel lock on the door into scrap metal. Letting herself in, she sees a redheaded woman laying face-down on the carpet. Rushing over to help, she discovers that it's Wonder Vivian, whom she once worked with on a mission four years earlier. Joyfully reunited, the two amazonian "sisters" eagerly reacquaint themselves and embrace as true friends. Unfortunately, that reunion is short lived as Doctor Psycho silently sends the telepathic 'key' to unlock Wonder Vivian's savage side and Vivian's entire personality is rewritten and she savagely turns on her one-time friend. Using knee-slams and spinning circle-kicks, Wonder Vivian easily defeats the unsuspecting Wonder Woman and sends her slamming down to the hard floor. Straddling Wonder Woman and pinning her down, Wonder Vivian pulls a familiar-looking red cloth out from behind her and clamps it firmly into place over Wonder Woman's nose and mouth. As much as Wonder Woman struggles, her one-time friend betrays her and soon afterwards the young amazon princess is defeated by her older (and now evil) twin from an alternate universe. What will happen next now that Wonder Woman has been beaten and is now taken captive by Wonder Vivian, held hostage as her powerless prisoner?
片名:Tales of Tiedsville : THE SLAVES OF DOCTOR PSYCHO! (Part 1 of 3)