我被紧紧地绑在椅子上。 我穿着配套的紫色胸罩和丁字裤以及性感闪亮的连裤袜! 在这段视频中,我在取笑你/问你是否喜欢我的挣扎方式和通过大量的呻吟、乞求和呼救进行真正的挣扎之间切换! 当我扭动身体并拉紧绳索时,你可以看到很多我身体的特写镜头。 无论我是被堵住还是被解开,在束缚中挣扎都是我最喜欢做的事情之一!I am tied nice and tight to a chair. I am wearing a matching purple bra and thong as well as sexy shiny pantyhose! For this video I switch between teasing you/asking if you like how I struggle, and doing a DID struggle with plenty of moaning, begging, and calling for help! You get plenty of close ups of my body as I wiggle around and strain against the ropes. Struggling in bondage is one of my favorite things to do whether I'm gagged or ungagged!