Sage vs. Her Floating Frustration
当塞奇吹嘘她因为体型小而能够制成木乃伊时,我知道接下来要对她做什么。 她甚至详细地描述了她的逃跑策略,似乎是为了证明尝试是多么徒劳。 她很幸运,我心里有一个特别的款待。 使用多层托盘包装制成吊床,将鼠尾草放在上面。 她的手臂和腿分别用塑料包裹,然后从头到脚将她的洞身包裹起来。 作为奖励,一根魔杖固定在她的两腿之间,让她在逃跑时保持娱乐。 它有一个延迟计时器,30秒开,30秒关,以免她玩得太开心。 正如预期的那样,只过了几分钟,塞奇就意识到自己已经无法应对了。As Sage bragged that she was able to mummifications due to her small size, I knew what I was going to do to her next. She even detailed her strategy for escaping, as if to prove how futile it is to try. Lucky for her, I have a special treat in mind. Using layers of pallet wrap to make a hammock, Sage is laid on top. Her arms and legs are wrapped individually in plastic before her hole body is encased, head to toe. As a bonus, a magic wand is secured between her legs to keep her entertained while she escapes. It’s put on a delay timer, 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, to keep her from having too much fun. As expected, it only takes minutes before Sage realizes she’s way in over her head.