黛西·哈洛特 (Dacey Harlot) 和圣人柱 (Sage Pillar) 首次出演这个火爆的爱情故事。 每年,两个女孩都会偷偷离开她们的丈夫,在一家酒店见面。 当他们从酒吧回来时,一位访客敲响了他们的门。 他一直在监视我们的两位女主角,现在又想勒索女孩们。 女孩们必须按照他说的去做,否则他就会把她们的外遇告诉她们的丈夫。 他让达西先把塞奇绑起来,然后将她绑起来并堵住嘴。Dacey Harlot and Sage Pillar debut for this hot and steamy love tale. Every year, both girls sneak away from their husbands and meet up at a hotel. As they return from the bar a visitor knocks on their door. He has been spying on our two heroines and now wants to blackmail the girls. The girls must do as he says or he will tell their husbands about their affair. He makes Dacey tie up Sage first and then she is bound and gagged.