
Tales of Tiedsville : Revenant! (Part 2 of 2)
原画质 原始大小
清晰版 640×360
流畅版 320×180
文件大小: 542MB   视频时长: 00:27:48   文件格式: MP4
当神奇女人试图重新集中注意力时,她发现自己被黑暗魔法传送走了,却发现自己靠近一个充满冰冷水的富丽堂皇的浴室。它再次被灵魂附身,控制了戴安娜的四肢,剥夺了这位曲线优美的犯罪分子的力量物品,然后将她扔进了冰冷的水域。呼吸着空气中的寒冷,她沉入水中,距离水面很远。 WW 无法呼吸,拼命挣扎,但如果没有亚马逊的力量,她无法比正常女性屏住呼吸更长时间。亚马逊公主被向上吸引到甜美、赋予生命的空气中,然后陷入冰冷的黑暗中,亚马逊公主忍受着一次又一次的羞辱,一次又一次的惩罚,直到最后她的肺衰竭了,这位无力、手无寸铁的亚马逊犯罪战士一动不动地漂浮在地球表面。浴缸里,无法呼吸。当她意识的最后残余消失时,黑暗魔法再次将她带到之前的地方(并且她的力量物品回来了)……只是这一次她发现自己挥舞着一把希腊短剑(一把带有重型剑的决斗短剑)。 ,宽刃)并最后一次面对半实体的复仇之魂。灵魂向亚马逊战士提供了一笔交易。如果她能用短剑在殊死搏斗中击败强大的亡魂,它就会同意离开物质世界,前往幽灵的空灵维度,永远不会回来。然而,如果她输了,她的肉身残骸将成为亡灵的新宿主,并按照其意愿占有和控制。神奇女侠相信如果条件公平的话她能赢,她同意了,她能做到吗?戴安娜能否战胜作为复仇之魂存在了三十年的对手呢?她足够强大吗……还是她会成为亡魂的下一个受害者?
The spirit of vengeance manifests and takes corporeal form (the form of his last victim - a young woman who was terminated via water immersion and smothering) and now the soulless spirit plays with wonderWoman's hair, relishing it's tender softness. As the spirit absentmindedly strokes and caresses the flowing locks of hair the amazing amazon slowly starts to come to, and the ghost (it's earthly energy now spent) is to dissipate upon Diana's reawakening. As Wondrous Woman recovers, she is determined to leave this haunted place forever. The spirit tries to blackmail her into staying, warning her that it has in his possession the eternal soul of Diana's step-mother Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons. If WW leaves, the vengeful ghost will torment and lash Diana's step-mother for a thousand years as punishment for her cowardice. To make matters worse, the voice of Queen Hippolyta fills the room, begging her step-daughter to not leave her in such dire straits. As the imperiled queen and the evil revenant both plead with Diana to stay, their dirge-like cries for help start to slowly drive wonder Woman insane. As their cries and wailing reach a fever pitch, WW cannot take it any more and amidst the ghostly screams she slams her feminum bracelets together as hard as she can, creating a resounding thunderstrike that temporarily dissipates both wailing banshees, buying Diana some time.
As Wondrous Woman tries to refocus her mind, she finds herself teleported away by dark magicks, only to find herself near a regal bath, filled with icy-cold water. Once again possessed by the spirit, it seizes control of Diana's limbs and deprives the curvaceous crimefighter of her power items and then her into the frigid waters. Gasping at the chill in the air, it her down into the water, far below the surface. Incapable of drawing breath, WW struggles mightily but without her amazonian powers she is incapable of holding her breath any longer than a normal woman could. Drawn upwards towards the sweet, life-giving air and then plunged down into icy darkness, the amazon princess endures humiliation after humiliation, punishment after punishment, until finally her lungs give out and the powerless, weaponless amazonian crimefighter is floating motionlessly on the surface of the tub, incapable of drawing breath. As the last remnants of her consciousness flicker away, dark magicks again whisk her to where she was before (and with her power items back)... only this time she finds herself wielding a Grecian gladius (a dueling short-sword with a heavy, broad blade) and facing off against the partially-corporeal spirit of vengeance one final time. The spirit offers the amazon warrior a deal. If she can defeat the powerful revenant in mortal combat with gladius blades, it agrees to leave the physical world and leave for the ethereal dimension of ghosts, never to return. If she loses however, her fleshy remains will be the new host body for the revenant, to possess and control as it desires. Wondrous Woman, confident that she can win if the terms are fair, agrees, Can she do it? Can Diana win against an opponent who has existed as a vengeful spirit for thirty years? Is she strong enough... or will she be the revenant's next victim?

片名:Tales of Tiedsville : Revenant! (Part 2 of 2)


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