回到家后,朱莉独自一人坐在沙发上,放松地看着她心爱的泰迪熊,她根本没有意识到她一生中最可怕的事情即将发生。 一名窃贼(布兰布尔)闯入了她的公寓。 她专横地命令她举起双手,并开始用胶带封住朱莉的嘴,这样她就无法呼救。 但事情并没有就此停止。 缠绕好朱莉·赞皮尼的双手后,布兰布尔开始用胶带将它们包裹起来,将它们牢牢地固定在一起,不允许女孩移动它们。 布兰布尔把朱莉放在她的肚子上,狠狠地打了她富有弹性的屁股,同时让她的脚踝吱吱作响,包裹住它们的外层,将它们拉得更靠近她的头。 现在朱莉处于一种极其不舒服的姿势,她的胸部和双腿抬起并用胶带固定在一起,完全固定了这个可怜的女孩,不给她丝毫逃跑的机会。 朱莉只能抽搐,在沙发上坐立不安,试图挣脱束缚,但徒劳无功,她用胶带封住的嘴发出难以理解的声音。 抢劫结束后,回来的布兰布尔再次打了女孩一屁股,把她独自留在沙发上。 朱莉感到绝望和无助,她继续徒劳地试图逃脱,希望能有更好的结果。After returning home and being there all alone, Julie settled down on the couch, relaxing and looking at her beloved teddy bear, she did not even suspect that the most terrible event in her life was about to happen. A burglar, who is Bramble, broke into her apartment. She imperiously ordered her to put her hands up and began to tape Julie's mouth shut so that she could not call for help. But it didn't stop there. Having wound up Julie Zampini's hands, Bramble began to wrap them with tape, firmly fastening them together, not allowing the girl to move them. Laying Julie on her stomach, Bramble gave her a good spanking on her elastic ass, simultaneously creaking her ankles, wrapping their extracurricular layers, pulling them closer to her head. Now Julie was in an extremely uncomfortable position, hogtay, her chest and legs raised up and fastened together with duct tape completely immobilized the poor girl, not giving her the slightest chance to escape. Capable only of twitching, Julie fidgeted around the couch in futile attempts to free herself, making incomprehensible sounds through her taped mouth. Finishing with the robbery, the returning Bramble spanked the girl once more and left her on the couch completely alone. Feeling desperate and completely helpless, Julie continued her futile attempts to get out with the hope of a better outcome.