肯德拉·詹姆斯 (Kendra James) 是一名止赎专家,她进入房屋时向房主传达了一个坏消息:由于房主拖欠抵押贷款,他将失去自己的房子。但他不会向银行低头,所以肯德拉被带到了厨房,她发现自己穿着衬衫和裙子,被绑在一把金属凳子上。她愤怒的抱怨被一块布捂住嘴巴的声音掩盖住了,她只能徒劳地挣扎,直到这位足智多谋的高管脱下她的高跟鞋,然后用她穿着袜子的脚打开了附近的抽屉。肯德拉小心翼翼地站起来,走到抽屉边,希望能拿出一个可以用来松开绳索的工具。但在她被房主发现后,肯德拉被送回了凳子上,她坐在那里,用最后一根绳子把她绑住了。
如果艾迪森·詹姆斯要从事间谍活动,也许她会更明智地选择一件不那么显眼的衣服,而不是那件引起可疑男子注意的鲜红色连衣裙。尽管艾迪森试图说服他,她无意中进入了不属于她的房间,但这位丰满的金发女郎很快就被绳子制服,坐在木椅上扭来扭去。当她拒绝保持沉默时,一条打结的布塞出现在她红唇之间,当艾迪森踢掉她的高跟鞋,试图赤脚跳出房间时Kendra James was just doing her job as a foreclosure specialist when she entered the home and delivered the bad news to its owner that because his mortgage payments were in arrears he'd be losing his house. But he wasn't going to bow down to the bank, so Kendra was taken to the kitchen, where she found herself sitting bound in her blouse and skirt on a metal stool. Her indignant complaints were muffled by a cloth spreading her lips and she was left to struggle futilely until the resourceful executive slipped off her high heels, then used her stockinged feet to open a nearby drawer. After standing up carefully, Kendra edged over to the drawer in hopes of removing a utensil that could be useful for loosening her ropework. But after she was caught in the act by the homeowner, Kendra was returned to the stool where she sat secured by a final rope connection.
The eccentric man hoped that he could keep his house by assuring the bank that his payments were up to date but was having difficulty reaching an executive so he decided to amuse himself with Kendra while waiting for a response. Attired in a speckled dress that happened to be available, the baffled foreclosure expert sat barefoot, bound and tape-gagged on the kitchen counter. After curling up on her hip as she strained against her bonds, Kendra attempted to lower her legs off the counter but her strange host intervened, then altered her restraint so that she lay stretched out on her back, arms secured behind her head by a rope linked to her waist; in that position, the sexy banker's soft bare soles were available for tickling.
If Addyson James was going to engage in espionage, perhaps she would have been wiser to choose a less conspicuous garment than the bright red dress that caught the eye of a suspicious man. Although Addyson tried to convince him that she'd entered a room where she didn't belong by accident, the buxom blonde was quickly subdued by rope and sat writhing on a wooden chair. When she refused to remain silent, a knotted cloth gag appeared between her red lips and when Addyson tried to hop barefoot out of the room after kicking off her spike heels