漂亮的凯西·卡尔弗特穿着紧身连衣裤和紧身裤,在这段定制视频中被绑得紧紧的,但有点不同。她先是被绑住,手肘在身后焊接在一起,再绑上一条特别紧的胯绳,双腿绑在一起,她用一条绳索保持平衡,绳索用她的大腿和胯绳将她支撑起来。当绳子狠狠地勒进她的[X_X]时,她发出愉悦的呻吟,她挣扎着保持平衡。过了一会儿,她的手麻木了。她被拉下来,部分解开,让她休息一下。但她不是轻易放弃的人,她非常喜欢紧胯绳勒住[X_X]的钝痛,她想重新绑上绳子,再来一次。Shiny 稍微改变了绳索的配置,把她拉回原位。这一次,Shiny 控制了绳索,他一次又一次地把她拉起来,凯西呻吟着、扭动着,为我们享受着愉悦的痛苦。真是进退维谷!Gorgeous Casey Calvert is tied up nice and tight in her leotard and tights for this custom video with a twist. First bound with elbows welded together behind her, an extra tight crotchrope, and legs banded together, she balances from an up-line designed to hold her up by her thighs and crotchrope. She groans with pleasure as the rope cuts deliciously into her pussy and struggles to keep her balance. After a few moments, her hands go numb. She is pulled down and partially untied to give her a little break. She is no quitter tho and she was loving the dull pain of the tight crotchrope against her clit so much, that she wants to be re-tied and go again. Shiny reconfigures her ropes a little differently and pulls her back up into position. This time, Shiny has control of the up-line and he pulls her up almost off of her feet again and again as Casey moans, squirms, and pleasurably suffers for us. Quite the predicament!