星有一些过人之处,暂时挡住了他们,但她终究无法逃脱,最终被这九名“工具女孩”制服,并开始对她进行“车身修理”。她遭受了残忍的拳打脚踢、重靴踢打和橡胶锤的猛击,以及大量的言语威胁和羞辱。《帮派战争 5:工具女孩》最终粉碎了特工星的反抗。
Agent Star has all the evidence she needs to put away the all-female “chop-shop” gang that is stealing the cars of the rich and powerful in her city. Unfortunately for her, that gang is onto her — and they send a crew of nine of their toughest, meanest car thieves and mechanics to destroy the evidence. And destroy Agent Star.
Star has some moves, and holds them off for a few moments, but she can’t escape before the crew of nine “tool girls” overpower her, and start doing a little bodywork on her chassis. Brutal body blows, with fists, heavy boots, and rubber hammers, plus a liberal dose of verbal intimidation and humiliation. Gang Thang 5: Tool Girls drops the hammer on Agent Star, once and for all.
Producer: Steve Noir
Reseller: SHG Media/Noir Underground