卡拉非常清楚,漂亮女孩的危险性,所以她在公共场合非常小心,但有时无论她多么小心,危险还是会抬头。她就是这样被从街上抢走,偷偷带到一个陌生的房子里,被装在一个牢不可破的袋子里,嘴巴被一个紧紧的布块塞住,这样她的尖叫声就被压抑住了,可以控制住。她竭尽全力挣扎,但双臂被困在袋子的内袋里,她只能扭动和踢打,像一条离开水的鱼一样扑腾着试图逃跑。那个囚禁她的变态会定期进来,用他为她计划的事情来嘲弄她。随着他嘴里说出的每一个字,卡拉的恐惧感越来越强烈,她的挣扎也越来越强烈。她能逃脱吗?或者这将是人们最后一次见到她?Cara knew all too well the dangers inherent in being a pretty girl, and she was extremely careful when out in public, but sometimes no matter hoe careful one is, danger still rears its head. That was how she found herself snatched off the street and spirited away to a strange house and encased in an unbreakable sack, her mouth sealed shut with a tight panel gag that kept her screams muffled and manageable. She struggled as best she could, but with her arms trapped in the sacks inner pockets, she could do little but writhe and kick, flopping like a fish out of water in her frenzied efforts to escape. The creep who held her prisoner would enter periodically, taunting her with the things he had planned for her. With every word that spilled from his mouth, Cara's terror grew and her struggling increased. Could she escape or would this be the last anyone ever saw of her?