Solara 和 Rock - Kat Meow 闯入了一家珠宝店,在办公室里搜查后,找到了一些钻石和现金,就在她高兴地发出咕噜声时,一名保安发现了她,她轻松地将他制服。原来这名保安是 ASS(邪恶超级恶棍协会)的特工,他给自己注射了 Skorpian 毒液,这让他有足够的力量将她制服。在玩了一番猫捉老鼠的游戏后,他把她制服
Solara and Rock - Kat Meow has broken into a jewelry store and after searching through the offices, found some diamonds and cash, just as she purs with delight, a security guard spots her and she takes him down easily. Turns out the security guard is an agent of the A.S.S. (Association of Sinister Supervillains) and injects himself with Skorpian Venom, which makes him strong enough to take her down. After some cat and mouse play, he takes her down