身高超过 6 英尺的奇妙格雷小姐遇到了一个名叫 Vanishing Act 的变态者,她可以隐身。通常情况下,这种力量根本不是世界上最危险的心灵感应者之一的对手。然而,这位变态者手持一根消耗能量的振动魔杖,由一位不知名的恩人赠予他。魔杖刺激了奇妙格雷小姐,使她注意力不集中,并抵消了她的心灵感应能力。Vanishing Act 占了上风,她被雇佣并决心吸干奇妙格雷小姐的生命,直到她一无所有!她会获胜并打败袭击者吗?还是会失败并遭遇最屈辱的结局?
Ms Marvelous Grey, standing over 6ft tall, encounters a perverted named Vanishing Act who can turn invisible. Normally the powers would be no match for one of the world's most dangerous psionic telepaths. However this comes to the fight armed with a power draining vibrating wand, given to him by an unnamed benefactor. The wand pleasure on Ms Marvelous Grey, clouding her concentration and neutralizing her telepathic powers. Possessing the upper hand, Vanishing Act is hired and determined to drain Ms Marvelous Grey's life until there is nothing left! Will she prevail and defeat her assailant? Or will she fail and meet a most humiliating end?