VID0801C: Lucy Lauren Tied, Vibed and Begging To Cum
楼上卧室,露西被绑在床上,双腿交叉,双脚被绳子套住,脚趾被绳子绑住,手指也被绳子缠住。他测试了束缚,但并不满意,因为她仍然可以左右摇晃肩膀——所以他又加了一根绳子,把床周围的绳子拉紧,这样她就再也不能摇晃了。她享受了一会儿自己的困境,但他又用一个挑逗的振动器加剧了她的折磨——振动器调得太低了,根本无法让她[X_X]!她不得不乞求他把振动器调高,这样她才能[X_X]——但他当然不会让她第一次就[X_X],他会让她痛苦地挣扎几分钟,直到他最终让步,把振动器调高,让她终于[X_X]!Upstairs to the bedroom where Lucy is tied down to the bed in a legs-crossed hogtie including ropes over her feet and tying her toes, and ropes around her fingers. He tests the bondage and is not satisfied because she can still rock her shoulders from side to side – so he adds another rope, tensioned off the ropes around the bed, so that she can’t even do that any more. She’s given a little while to enjoy her predicament but then he adds to her torment with a teasing vibrator – set just too low to get her off! She has to beg and plead with him to turn it up enough that she might be able to cum – but of course he isn’t going to let her get off the first time, he’s going to edge her for several agonising minites before he finally relents, turns the vibe up to high, and gives her permission to finally cum!