“Cornered” – a Westenra Films Original Film
MERCURY(由 ARIANA ROGUE 饰演)女战士英勇地试图打倒臭名昭著的纵火犯(由 CHRISTOPH 饰演),却发现自己处于一个甚至连净化力量都无法拯救的境地:令人头晕目眩、迷失方向的毒药,使她屈服于恶棍的奇想和她自己隐藏的欲望。她会再次呼吸新鲜空气,清醒头脑打败他吗?超级女英雄会逃脱她如此自信地陷入的调教陷阱吗?也许......
MERCURY (played by ARIANA ROGUE), in her heroic attempt to take down the notorious ARSONIST (played by CHRISTOPH), finds herself in a position even her powers of purification cannot save her from: Dizzying and disorienting poison, which causes her to succumb to the villain's whims, and her own hidden desires. Will she breathe fresh air again and clear her mind to defeat him? Will she escape the trap she so confidently ran into? Perhaps...