Bondage Tickling in Shiny Gold Catsuit!
日菜子和泷川真由理 (MTF) 都穿着闪亮的金色紧身衣,日菜子用皮革束缚装备绑住真由理的手脚,开始摩擦和挠痒痒!在视频的后半部分,日菜子蒙上眼罩,继续挠痒痒!日菜子知道真由理的所有弱点,因此将注意力集中在腋窝和脚底上。随着日菜子挠痒痒变得更加激烈,真由理的尖叫声回荡在整个房间里!Hinako and Mayuri Takigawa (MTF) are both wearing shiny gold tights, when Hinako ties Mayrui’s hands and feet with leather bondage gear, and starts rubbing and tickling all over Mayuri’s body! In the second half of the video, Hinako adds a blindfold and continues with the tickling! Knowing all of Mayuri’s weak points, Hinako focuses her attention on the armpits and the soles. As Hinako gets even more aggressive with her tickling, Mayuri’s screams, echo throughout the room!