莉亚刚刚在游泳池里游完泳,躺下来擦干身上的水。但维塔出现在画面中,用螺丝刀从后面袭击了莉亚。两人之间发生了一场激烈的战斗。但维塔仍然赢了。她用螺丝刀威胁莉亚,安抚了莉亚,然后用绳索把它绑了起来。Lia had just taken a swim in the pool and lay down to dry off from the water. But then Vita appeared in the frame and attacked the lia from behind with a screwdriver. A fierce fight ensued between the two. But still, Vita won. Threatening with the screwdriver, she calmed down the Lia, then tied it up in a hogtie.