Khrystal is Ultragirl: A Superheroine tricked into bondage! PART 1
克里斯塔尔扮演超级少女。在这次冒险中,超级少女将接受一位超级英雄训练师的特别课程,这位训练师训练过所有你能想到的超级英雄。超级少女的第一课是:如果她的力量腰带被剥夺,会发生什么?如果没有力量,她会像其他普通女孩一样强壮,如果她被抓住,她需要知道该怎么做。训练师要求超级少女将力量腰带交给他,她拒绝了,说她永远不会脱下它,但在坚持之后,她最终同意了,并将腰带交给了训练师。然后,那家伙用绳子将她的双手绑在身后,绑得很紧。超级少女第一次感受到无助的感觉,她无法移动或挣脱绳索!当她最终被牢牢绑住时,训练师透露了他的真实意图:他不是他自称的那个人,而是想摆脱超级少女,把她带到一艘外星飞船上,送她远离这个星球。坏人用红色的劈开式口塞堵住了 Ultragirl 的嘴,让她挣扎。她救出了几十个被绑起来的女孩,现在她也是其中之一!经过一番挣扎后,坏人回来了,用红色的口球代替了劈开式口塞,然后把她绑得紧紧的,同时准备他的其余计划!未完待续……Khrystal takes the role of Ultragirl. In this adventure, Ultragirl is taking a special course with a trainer of superheroes, this person has trained all the superheroes you can think of. First lesson for Ultragirl is: what would happen if she ever gets stripped of her power belt? Without her powers she would be as strong as any other regular girl, and if she gets captured in that moment she needs to know what to do. The trainer asks Ultragirl to give him her power belt, she refuses saying she never take it off, but after insisting, she finally agrees and handles the belt to the trainer. The guy then proceeds totie her hands behind her back very tight with rope. Ultragirl feels the sensation of helplessness for the first time, she cannot move or break the ropes! When she is finally tightly tied, the trainer reveals his real intentions: he was not the person he claimed to be, instead he wants to get rid of Ultragirl taking her to an alien space ship and send her far away from the planet. The bad guy gags Ultragirl with a red cleave gag and leaves her struggling. She has rescued dozens of girls tied up, now she is one of them! After struggling a lot, the bad guy comes back and replaces the cleave gag for a red ballgag and then hogties her tight while he prepares the rest of his plan! TO BE CONTINUED...