悉尼的肥皂剧同事、娇小的明星今井赛琳娜正在镜子里欣赏她性感的形象,开玩笑说她的角色有能力把男孩们玩弄于股掌之间,这时,同样精神失常的行善者冲上前来。当这个娇小的黑发女孩蜷缩在角落里时,他指责她操纵邪恶;赛琳娜解释说她只是在演戏,这遭到了与悉尼一样的轻蔑蔑视。她被紧紧地绑在露脐上衣和紧身牛仔短裤里,起初她站在壁橱里,睁大眼睛,难以置信地扭动着身子,然后她大声呼救,嘴被堵住,被移到地板上。After Sydney Paige read through the script of the latest scene she'd be filming, she laughed at her character's bad behavior. But laughter gave way to anxiety when an intruder's loud voice accused Sydney of being an evil woman who deserved retribution. Although the pretty blonde tried to explain that she was an actress playing a role, the delusional man sentenced her to bondage that left Sydney struggling in her dress on the couch, her continuing protests quickly silenced by a cloth between her lips.
Sydney's soap opera colleague, petite starlet Selina Imai, was admiring her sexy image in a mirror and joking about her character's ability to twist the boys around her little finger when the same mentally disturbed do-gooder confronted her. As the tiny brunette huddled in a corner, he accused her of manipulative wickedness; Selina's explanation that she was simply acting was met with the same scornful contempt as Sydney's. Tightly bound in her crop-top and snug denim short-shorts, she stood in a closet at first and squirmed in wide-eyed disbelief, then was cleave-gagged and moved to the floor after calling for help.