桑德拉和惠特尼坐在货车后座呜咽,她们被绑着,眼睛也被蒙着!她们的嘴里塞着一个口塞,呜咽声被阻挡,姑娘们竭尽全力挣脱紧绷的绳索。但这似乎是徒劳的,因为绳子束缚着她们身后的手腕,还有她们纽扣衬衫下面的[X_X]。惠特尼和桑德拉无助地踢着脚后跟,试图挣脱绳索,突然货车门打开了!这些被捕获的美女被关在屋子里,坐下来,绑匪开始用更紧的绳索绑住她们!这些美女仍然被蒙着眼睛,看到这种情况发生时,她们感到很困惑,无助地呻吟着,渴望着自由,但随着每一次捆绑,这种自由似乎越来越短暂。Sandra and Whitney sit whimpering in the back of a van - bound and blindfolded! Their whimpers are dampened by a cleave gag wedged into their mouths, and the damsels do their best to struggle out of the tight ties. It seems futile though, with the rope restricting their wrists behind them - as well as their breasts beneath their button down blouses. Helpless, Whitney and Sandra kick their heels, trying to gain purchase against the ties, and suddenly the van door swings open! The captured cuties are corralled inside of a house and are sat down as their captors begin binding them in even stricter ties! Still blindfolded, the babes are baffled as this happens, helplessly groaning for freedom that seems more and more fleeting with every tie.