伦敦和斯特拉正在谈论他们那令人毛骨悚然的老板,甚至不知道接下来会发生什么。当老板走进来时,他大喊“束缚时间到了!”女孩们惊呆了,但他向她们展示了一份她们签署的合同,并表示如果她们能在 10 分钟内逃脱,她们就会加薪。他绑住了伦敦,用绳子绑住她的脚踝、膝盖和胸部,并试图将她的手臂绑在身后,然后堵住她的嘴。然后轮到斯特拉了,他对她做了同样的事情。她们挣扎着终于挣脱了,但她们能及时到达吗?接下来,她们发现了一个他们认为老板不知道的房间。她们错了,又到了束缚时间!但因为她们试图躲起来,她们不得不脱光衣服,只剩下胸罩和内裤。然后他用绳子把她们绑在长凳上,然后离开了。但首席执行官科迪走了进来。科迪继续逗弄她们俩,说如果她们能逃脱,她会把她们留作员工。她们能逃脱吗?London and Stella are talking about their creepy boss, not even knowing what's in store. When their boss walks in, he yells "Bondage time!" The girls are stunned but he shows them a contract they signed agreeing to it and states if they can escape in 10 minutes they get a raise. He ties up London, binding her ankles, knees and chest with rope and trying her arms behind her back before gagging her. Then it's Stella's turn as he does the same to her. They struggle and finally get free, but do they make it in time? Next, they find what they think is a room the boss doesn't know about. They're wrong and it's bondage time again! But because they tried to hide they have to strip down to their bra and panties. He then binds them with rope on the bench and leaves them. But then Kody, the CEO, walks in. Kody proceeds to tickle both of them, saying if they can escape she'll keep them as employees. Can they escape?