Alba and Mia - The notorious Doctor Ziegler part 3 (repost)
米娅和阿尔芭被带到齐格勒博士的实验室测试他的新药水。米娅被绑在一把椅子上,嘴里塞着装满蜂蜜的口球,让她流更多口水,并准备好接受齐格勒博士的秘密配方。阿尔芭被关在笼子里,无人注意。一切准备就绪后,阿尔芭被牢牢绑在米娅的脚边。两个女孩试图互相帮助,米娅拼命用脚去掉阿尔芭的口咬物,而邪恶的齐格勒正在准备一种野生动物转化药水,并在一块布上涂上他的止痛配方。一切准备就绪后,疯狂的医生让阿尔芭吸入布料,然后他将注意力转移到米娅身上,米娅的口球被取下,换上了口环。可怜的蓝眼睛女孩无法阻止齐格勒用野生动物配方塞满她的嘴。疯子带着邪恶的笑容告诉米娅接下来会发生什么。不管怎样,我们都会慢慢变成一个愤怒的食人魔,除了仇恨什么都没有,而她最好的朋友会感受到她将要施加的十倍痛苦。他的仪器将控制一切。然后医生开始有条不紊地释放米娅,然后前往控制室。米娅慢慢屈服于她的主计划,转向阿尔巴,现在她把阿尔巴视为她的第一个受害者。她狠狠地打了阿尔巴,看到受害者受苦,她的灵魂充满了快乐。几个小时后,当药水的效果逐渐消退时,高傲的齐格勒博士回到他的实验室,让他的两个新木偶平静下来,然后把它们张开双臂放在床上。他们被绑在一起,所以米娅的手腕绑在阿尔巴的脚踝上,反之亦然,两个女孩的性行为都接近了。一种增强[X_X]的药水是齐格勒送给受害者的礼物。是时候让我们臭名昭著的疯子享受另一场表演了(结束)Mia and Alba are brought to Dr. Ziegler laboratory for testing of his new potions. Mia is tied to a chair with an honey filled ballgag to make her drool more and prepare her mouth ready for dr. Ziegler secret formula. Alba is left unnoticed in a cage. Once everything is ready Alba is hogtied securely at Mia feet. The two girls try to help each other, Mia tries desperately to remove Alba bite gag using her feet, while the evil Ziegler is preparing a wild creature transmutation potion and load a cloth with his pain stimulating formula. Once everything is ready the mad doctor makes Alba inhale the cloth then he moves his attention to Mia, who's ballgag is removed in favor of a ring gag. The poor blu eyed girl cannot prevent ziegler from filling her mouth with the wild creature formula. With an evil grin the madman tells Mia what is going to happen. No matter what we will slowly become a furious and ogress filled with nothing else but hate, while her best friend will feel ten times the amount of pain she will going to inflict from her. His instruments will keep everything under control. The doctor then starts metodically to release Mia from her bonds, then leave for the control room. Mia slowly succumbs to her master project and moves to Alba who now she sees as her first victim. She beats Alba hard and her soul is filled with pleasure has she see her victim suffering. Hours later, when the effect of the potion is fading an exhalted Dr.Ziegler return to his experiment room and calm his two new puppets down then place them spread eagle on a bed. They are tied so Mia wrists are bound to Alba ankles and viceversa, both girl sex coming close. A pleasure anhancing potion is Ziegler gift to his victims. Time for our notorious madman to enjoy another show (END)