可怜的桑尼!她非常期待为她的男朋友——足球队队长——在这场重要的比赛中取得胜利而欢呼!不幸的是,由于她被捆绑和堵嘴,看起来她不得不坐在场外!这是当地一位体育爱好者的计划,他想用大笔金钱来赌注桑尼的男朋友放弃这场重要的比赛。把桑尼绑起来,远离比赛正是他需要的筹码!现在,她的嘴被塞得满满的,嘴里塞着一个巨大的球形口塞,她挣扎着,流着口水,穿着啦啦队服呻吟着,试图挣脱!这件衣服确实露出了很多胸部和腿部,每当她弯腰时,她非常暴露的内裤就会完全暴露出来,但她现在不能担心如何保持端庄,她必须放松!她不断向折磨她的人恳求,最后他决定她现在的口塞还不够好,用微泡沫胶带缠住口塞,把它塞得更深!现在她完全倒霉了,她别无选择,只能希望她的男朋友放弃比赛!Poor Sunny! She was so looking forward to cheering her boyfriend, Captain of the football team, on to victory at the big game! Unfortunately, bound and gagged as she is, it looks like she is going to have to sit this one out! That was the plan of a local sports enthusiast with a lot of money at stake who wants Sunny's boyfriend to throw the big game. Keeping Sunny all tied up and away from the game is exactly the bargaining chip he needs! Now, here mouth stuffed full and silenced with a huge ball gag, she struggles and drools, moaning in her cheerleader outfit as she tries to free herself! The outfit sure does show a LOT of underboob and leg, and whenever she bends over, her VERY skimpy panties are on full display, but she can't be worried about preserving her modesty right now, she has to get loose! She keeps pleading with her tormentor who finally decides that her current gag isn't good enough, and wraps microfoam tape over and around the ballgag, driving it even deeper into her mouth! Now completely out of luck, she has no choice but to hope her boyfriend throws the game!
片名:1581 - Sunny Daze - Cheerleader Bound and Gagged