Poor ship captain Tilly McReese is now all duct tied up and unable to reach her phone to call for help! It doesn't help matters either when she gets moved from the boat's bed to a chair, struggling for help and her phone way out of reach! Will TIlly ever be rescued, or will she be a captive captain for much of her forseeable future?可怜的船长蒂莉·麦克里斯现在被绑住了,无法用手机打电话求救!当她从船上的床上被移到椅子上时,她挣扎着寻求帮助,而她的手机却遥不可及,这也于事无补!蒂莉能获救吗?或者在可预见的未来,她将成为一名被俘船长吗?