口球很大,我很早就开始流口水。前 5 分钟结束后,他把捆绑的很紧,我当时就想,妈的,我再也忍受不了 15 分钟了,但我喜欢这种感觉,就像一个非常紧的包裹。天气也很热,所以我希望我出汗的事实不会打扰到你,但再次强调,捆绑非常紧。我仍然可以尝试一些方法去挣扎,但老实说,这需要我很大的力气,但什么也没改变,所以我试着专注于呼吸,这让口水流得更厉害了。我尽量看着镜头,因为我想让你感受到,我为你受苦。但当他把我的头发绑到脚后跟上后,捆绑变得太紧了,我只能呻吟和呜咽。我喜欢我无助的样子,我再也动弹不得了。我所做的只是前后摇晃。全身都湿了,我不知道那是口水、汗水、泪水还是一切的混合物,但我真的很痛苦The ballgag was huge and I started to droool a lot very early. After the first 5 minutes were over he tightened the hogtie so much that I was like FUCK I will never stand this for 15 more minutes but I loved the feeling of it, just like a very tight package. It was also very hot so I hope the fact that Im sweating doesnt disturbs you but again it was VERY tight. There were still some ways I could try to struggle but honestly it just took me so much strenght and it didnt change anything so I tried focus on my breathing what made the drool even worse. I tried to watch the camera as good as I can cause I want you to feel, that I suffered for YOU. But after he tied my hair to my heels it got so damn tight that all I did was moaning amd whining hardly. I loved how helpess I was and how I couldnt move a single mm anymore. All I did was rocking back and forth. Everything was wet I dont know If it was drool or sweat or tears or just a mix of everything but I was really in pain