莱尼被困在一件超小号的紧身衣里。她的腿被绑在一条青蛙形束缚带里,上面有医院用的皮质手铐和皮带。她试图找到出路,起初她坐着,集中精力在手臂上。她拉扯、扭动、转动,但根本无法松开束缚。然后她翻身侧躺,试图将腿踢向空中,但无济于事。Laney is trapped in an extra small straitjacket. Her legs are bound in a frogtie with leather hospital cuffs and belts. She tries to find a way out, at first focusing on her arms while sitting up. She pulls and twists and turns but she can't loosen the restraints at all. She then rolls to her side and tries kicking her legs into the air but there is no escape.