
Corrupt cops Izzie and Lilith find themselves in big trouble
原画质 原始大小
高清版 1280×720
清晰版 640×360
流畅版 320×180
文件大小: 1221MB   视频时长: 00:55:25   文件格式: MP4
JJ 是一名窃贼,与 Lilith 和另一个女人(你可以为这个人编一个名字)一起在一所房子里工作。JJ 得到情报说这所房子里有很多珠宝,大概在保险柜里。他们打开了保险柜,什么也没找到。JJ 认为珠宝一定在房子的某个地方,但第三个窃贼不相信她,决定背叛 JJ 和 Lilith,把他们绑起来并逃离现场。
Lilith 和 JJ 戴着长筒袜、穿着办公服和连裤袜在家里四处寻找,然后被绑起来,用连裤袜堵住嘴,躺在客厅的地板上。

此外,事实证明 Lilith 是一名卧底警察。更重要的是,她非常腐败,最近开始与另一名腐败警察 Izzie 合作。然而,他们还没有真正见过面,只是通过短信交流。JJ 会发现吗,谁会占上风?她们俩都被塞住了嘴,口罩下面塞着一条内裤,口罩外面套着一条连裤袜。附近还有许多条连裤袜。
JJ 和 Lilith 正试图挣脱束缚。偶尔她们会互相帮助。JJ 设法扭动着来到 Lilith 的钱包,希望找到一个尖锐的物体来帮助切断束缚。结果,她找到了一个徽章,原来 Lilith 是一名卧底警察!Lilith 没有看到 JJ 的发现。而且,此时,JJ 对 Lilith 的腐败一无所知。
JJ 设法解开了自己身上的束缚,然后跳回 Lilith 身边,Lilith 也取得了一些逃脱的进展(尽管没有 JJ 那么多!)。JJ 假装要解开 Lilith 的束缚,假装解开她剩下的几条束缚。莉莉丝一开始松了一口气,但最终意识到 JJ 正在做与解开她相反的事情!莉莉丝反抗,而 JJ 继续试图重新绑住她,同时完全解开了自己的绳索。

在绑住莉莉丝的某个时候,JJ 设法解开了自己的嘴(仍然戴着头罩)。JJ 也解开了莉莉丝的嘴。当然,她一开始威胁 JJ 让她走,但当然,当这不起作用时,她的语气就变了,她试图说服 JJ,如果她放了莉莉丝,她不会逮捕或追捕她。

JJ 不相信,重新绑住了莉莉丝。她脱下内裤,塞进莉莉丝的嘴里,这次是塞在面具上,然后用透明乙烯基胶带在她的头上缠了几圈,嘴巴张得大大的。

这时,JJ 摘下了自己的面具,让莉莉丝挣扎了一会儿,寻找珠宝。JJ 回来了,告诉她她找到了那件东西和一些扬声器线! JJ 在另一个地方用扬声器线替换了 Lilith 原来的绑带,最后用肩带和胯绳将 Lilith 绑住。她又在口塞上缠了几圈,但这次是慢慢地、平稳地缠在她的嘴唇上,用的是透明乙烯基胶带。

Lilith 被完全绑住并堵住嘴后,JJ 花了一分钟欣赏她的杰作,抚摸着 Lilith 的身体。然后她花了几分钟来回挠 Lilith 的脚和崇拜它们。JJ 很享受,她挑逗并慢慢地用嘴唇爱抚 Lilith 的脚趾,同时亲吻和吮吸它们。

JJ 拿起 Lilith 的手机,说手机震动很大。JJ 开始滚动屏幕,问 Lilith,Izzie 是谁?Lilith 虽然被堵住了嘴,但她试图与任何重要的人交流。 JJ 继续滚动,过了一会儿,说了这样的话,嗯,看起来她也是执法部门的。但你们的聊天是关于明天你们伏击我之后去哪里卖我所有的珠宝?!哇,腐败的警察。这些天我真的不能和任何人合作。我需要你们两个都离开。

JJ 然后告诉 Lilith,Izzie 一直在发短信等她检查工作状态。JJ 给 Izzie 发短信并大声读出来,内容是,需要你尽快上班,和 JJ 以及她的另一个搭档有点小问题。JJ 读了 Izzie 的回复,内容是,“马上就到,期待最终与你面对面见面!” JJ 立刻意识到 Lilith 和 Izzie 从未真正见过面,JJ 计划利用这一点。S

我们看到 Lilith 被绑着挣扎着,我们听到了敲门声。Izzie 打开门呼唤 Lilith。她慢慢地走向莉莉丝,对发生的事情感到困惑。当她走近时,JJ 偷偷溜到伊兹身后,粗暴地用手堵住她的嘴。JJ 要求伊兹慢慢地伸手去拿她的徽章并给 JJ 看。伊兹仍然被堵着嘴,按照指示做了。

JJ 放开了她,突然感到轻松和友好。她假装是莉莉丝!她向伊兹解释了发生了什么事,他们是如何从一开始就被 JJ 的另一个搭档背叛的,那个搭档把他们绑了起来。她声称珠宝不在这所房子里,工作被揭穿了。然后,她的徽章被 Jayda 发现,所以她把她绑了起来,以防止警察把他们全部抓走。伊兹非常容易上当,相信了 JJ 的故事。

莉莉丝有时会尽力说话,但口塞很好地阻止了她说话。我zzie 问他们如何在这里掩盖行踪,JJ 假装思考了一会儿。然后她想出了一个主意!她知道一些性奴贩子,他们可以把“JJ”卖给她们,这样他们就可以摆脱她,还能从工作中获得一些现金。Izzie 喜欢这个主意并同意了。JJ 随后说服 Izzie 更进一步。她向 Izzie 解释说,如果她告诉她的联系人他们有 2 名女性待售,他们可以为每位女性获得更高的价格。JJ 说他们只需要让 Izzie 假装是照片中被绑架的第二个女人,因为她的联系人知道有时会发生逃跑,而且当他们出现时,只要有一名女性在场,他们仍然可以为每位女性获得更高的价格。Izzie 有点不确定,但 JJ 向她保证,她只需要在几张照片中看起来被绑起来就可以了。

Izzie 同意了,JJ 开始用胶带将她绑在 Lilith 旁边。 JJ 一开始对她很友好,但她越是感到安全,JJ 的性格就越是阴险和邪恶。

JJ 建议他们也用一个裸色丝袜面具遮住 Izzie 的脸,这样她就无法被认出来了,然后她还戴了一个面具,马尾也露了出来。这时,Izzie 提到 JJ 从未向她出示过她的徽章。JJ 向她保证,她会马上从另一个房间拿到它。戴上头罩后,JJ 用同样的方式堵住了她的嘴,就像她在第一幕中用乙烯基胶带堵住 Lilith 的嘴一样,她的嘴张得大大的。JJ 没有向 Izzie 提及堵嘴的事,Izzie 有点惊讶,开始想知道发生了什么。

JJ 花了一分钟来欣赏 Izzie 被绑得有多紧,继续保证她会拍照然后放她走。然后她开始挠 Izzie 的痒痒,并崇拜她的脚几分钟,就像她之前对 Lilith 做的那样。 JJ 终于拍了照片并感谢了 Izzie。但她没有解开她,而是用更多的乙烯基胶带缠住她的头(这次也缠在嘴唇上),进一步固定了她的嘴。然后她用胶带把她的嘴从嘴到脚绑了起来。JJ 一边这样做一边告诉 Izzie 真相,让她们两个纠缠了一会儿,然后回来告诉她好消息,她为她们两个找到了一个买家,但有特殊的品味,然后场景淡出。

场景以 JJ 重新堵住她们两个的嘴开始。她把内裤塞进她们两个的嘴里,并用胶带缠了几圈。然后,她用裸色的长筒袜重新给她们戴上帽子。然后她解释说,这位买家喜欢用尼龙包裹他的女人。JJ 用 xxl 裸色/棕褐色连裤袜将 Lilith 的下半身包裹在一条腿里。她用另一条连裤袜将手臂套在一条腿上,另一条腿从后面套在头上,套在上身,这样就把头罩套在了身上。然后她又对伊兹做了同样的事,让她们在连裤袜的包裹下挣扎着等待买家。JJ is a burglar on a job at a house with Lilith and another woman (you can make up a name for this person). JJ had intel that there is a lot of jewelry at this house, presumably in the safe. They cracked the safe and found nothing. JJ believes the jewelry must be in the house somewhere, but the 3rd burglar didn’t believe her and decided to betray both JJ and Lilith, tying them up and fleeing the scene.
Lilith and JJ are shown looking around the home in stocking caps, office apparel and pantyhose before they are shown tied up and gagged with pantyhose on the living room floor.

Also, it turns out that Lilith is an undercover police officer. What’s more, she’s very corrupt and recently began a partnership with another corrupt officer, Izzie. However, they have not actually met in person yet, only communicating via text message. Will JJ find out, and who will get the upperhand? They have both also been cleavegagged, with a pair of panties stuffed deep into their mouths underneath the mask, held in place by a pair of pantyhose over the mask. Many extra pairs of pantyhose are nearby.
JJ and Lilith are trying to escape their binds. Occasionally they try to help each other. JJ manages to wiggle her way to Lilit’s purse hoping to find a sharp object to help cut their bonds. Instead, she finds a badge, turns out Lilith is an undercover cop! Lilith doesn’t see JJ make this discovery. Also, at this point, JJ knows nothing about Lilith’s corruption.

JJ manages to untie herself a bit more before hopping back over to Lilith, who’s also made some progress escaping (though not quite as much as JJ!). JJ acts like she’s going to untie Lilith, pretending to undo her couple remaining binds. Lilith is relieved at first, but eventually realizes JJ is doing the opposite of untying her! Lilith resists while JJ continues trying to retie her up while also fully unties herself.

At some point while tying up Lilith, JJ manages to ungag herself (still keeps hood on). JJ also ungags Lilith. Of course, she threatens JJ at first to let her go, but of course, when that doesn’t work, her tone changes and she tries to convince JJ she won’t arrest or pursue her if she lets her free.

JJ doesn’t buy it and regags Lilith. She removes her panties and stuffs that into Lilith’s mouth, over the mask this time, and then wraps clear vinyl tape around her head several times with her mouth wide open.

At this point, JJ removes her own mask, and leaves Lilith to struggle for a minute while looking for the jewelry. JJ returns, telling her she found that plus some speaker wire! JJ replaces Liliths original ties with speaker wire in another location, and eventually, secures Lilith into a shoulder harness hogtie, as well as a crotchrope. She adds a few more wraps to the gag, but this time going over her lips, slow and smooth, with more clear vinyl tape.

With Lilith fully bound and gagged, JJ takes a minute to admire her handiwork, fondling Lilith’s body. She then spends a couple minutes going back and forth between tickling Lilith’s feet and worshipping them. JJ enjoys it, teasing and slowly caressing her lips against Lilith’s toes, while also kissing and sucking on them.

JJ picks up Liliths phone, commenting it’s been vibrating a lot. JJ starts scrolling, and asks Lilith, who is Izzie? Lilith, though gagged, tries to communicate no one important. JJ keeps scrolling, and after a little while, says something like, hmmm looks like she’s in law enforcement too. But your chats are about where to sell all my jewels after you ambush me tomorrow?! Wow, crooked cops. I really can’t work with anyone these days. I need both of you out of the picture.

JJ then tells Lilith that Izzie has been texting a lot waiting for her to check in on the status of the job. JJ texts Izzie and reads it aloud, something like, need you at the job ASAP, had a small problem with JJ and her other partner. JJ reads Izzie’s response, something like, “be right there, looking forward to finally meeting you face to face!” JJ instantly realizes that Lilith and Izzie have never actually met before, and JJ plans to exploit this. S

We see Lilith bound and struggling, and we hear a knock. Izzie opens the door calling out for Lilith. She makes her way to Lilith slowly, confused with what’s going on. As she approache JJ sneaks up behind Izzie and aggressively handgags her. JJ demands Izzie slowly reach for her badge and show JJ. Izzie, still handgagged, does as instructed.

JJ lets her go, being relieved and friendly all of the sudden. She is pretending to be Lilith! She explains what happened to Izzie how they were betrayed from the getgo by JJ’s other partner, who left them tied up. She claims the jewelry is not at this house, and the job was blown. Then, her badge was discovered by Jayda, so she tied her up to prevent the police from taking down all of them. Izzie is super gullible and falls for JJ’s story.

Lilith tries her best to talk at times, but the gag does a good job preventing that. Izzie asks how they can cover their tracks here, and JJ pretends to think for a moment. She then comes up with an idea! She knows of some sex slave traffickers they can sell ‘JJ’ to, that way they get rid of her and still get some cash from the job. Izzie loves the idea and agrees. JJ then persuades Izzie to take things one step further. She explains to Izzie, if she tells her contact that they have 2 women for sale, they can get a higher price for each woman. JJ says they just need to have Izzie pretend to be a second woman kidnapped in the photos, as her contact understands that escapes sometimes happen, and they’ll still get the higher price per woman for only one woman being there when they show up. Izzie is a little unsure but JJ assures her she only needs to look tied up for a few photos and that’s it.

Izzie agrees and JJ gets to work tying her up next to Lilith, using duct tape. JJ is very friendly with her at first, though the more secured she becomes, the more JJ’s personality turns conniving and wicked.

JJ suggests they use a nude stocking mask over Izzie’s face too so she can’t be recognized, and one gets put over her head, also with pony tail sticking out. As that happens, Izzie mentions JJ never showed her badge to her. JJ promises her she’ll grab it from the other room in just a minute. Once the hood is on, JJ gags her the same way she gagged Lilith in the first scene with vinyl tape earlier and her mouth wide open. JJ didn’t mention the gagging to Izzie who is a little surprised and starting to wonder what’s going on.

JJ takes a minute to admire how tied up Izzie is, continuing to promise she’ll take the photos and let her go. She then begins tickling Izzie and worshipping her feet for a couple minutes just like she did to Lilith earlier. JJ finally takes the photos and thanks Izzie. But instead of untying her, she secures the gag further by wrapping more vinyl tape around her head (over the lips too this time). Then she uses the duct tape to hogtape her from mouth to foot. JJ tells Izzie the truth while doing this, and leaves the two of them to struggle for a minute, before returning with good news that she found a buyer for both of them, but with particular tastes, and scene fades out.

Scene begins with JJ regagging both of them. She stuffs panties in both of their mouths, and wraps ductape several times around. Then, she rehoods them with nude stocking caps. She then explains that this buyer likes his women encased in nylon. Using xxl nude/tan pantyhose, JJ encases Liliths lower body in one leg. Using another pair, she encases her arms in one leg, and brings the other leg down over her head from behind and sheaths it down her upper body, effectively hooding her twice. She then does the same to Izzie, and leaves them to struggle in a pantyhose encasement for their buyer.

片名:Corrupt cops Izzie and Lilith find themselves in big trouble


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