我醒来时发现自己被绑在椅子上,穿着蛇蝎美人的晚礼服,手腕上戴着毛皮袖口。一条毛皮头带遮住了我的眼睛。头带被拉下来,我和杰西卡兔对视,她责备我沉迷于毛皮。我向她保证,我从未伤害过任何生物,但她还没听我说话,我的嘴里就塞了一条长长的羽毛围巾。我挣扎着,终于把围巾从嘴里拔了出来,结果我的嘴里又塞满了连裤袜和围巾。在更难受之后,我被从椅子上放了下来,只能被牵着走。过了一会儿,杰西卡命令我坐下,并表示希望我吸取教训。I wake up bound to a chair, in my femme fatale evening gown and fur cuffs on my wrists. A fur headband covers my eyes. The headband is pulled down and I meet eyes with Jessica Rabbit, who scolds me for luxuriating in fur. I assure her that I never meant any harm to creatures, but before she listens to me, my mouth is stuffed with a long feather boa. I struggle, eventually pt-ewing the boa from my mouth, only to have my kisser stuffed once again with pantyhose and the boa. After more discomfort, I am released from the chair only to be walked around on a leash. After sometime, Jessica commands me to sit down and expresses that she hopes that I have learned my lesson.