一天晚上,在回家的路上,她看到那个女孩在走路,于是停下来质问她丈夫的事。一件事导致了另一件事,维奥莱特发现自己被人带走了。现在开始了。布伦达让她知道她和错误的男人[X_X]了。Violet work at this local bar where Brenda's husband hung out at. She over heard him telling his buddies about this girl there. That pissed her off so she followed him one night to see who she was. She was a flirty waitress that was hanging all over him. Brenda was going to teach this little bitch a lesson.
One evening on her way home she seen the girl walking and stopped to confront her about her husband. One thing led to another and violet finds her self taken. It was on now. Brenda let's her no that she has Fucked with the wrong guy.