伊万从来都不喜欢那些挨家挨户的宗教人士,所以大多数时候他只是把他们关在门口——但他们中的大多数人看起来都不像这位女士。她可能全身都裹着,穿着黑色连裤袜,但她那美妙的身材即使在保守的着装中也显露出来,而且她还穿着高跟鞋。这是他有生以来第一次真正想让上帝进入他的生活——或者至少是上帝的仆人。当伊万开始绑住萨赫里时,她像魔鬼一样反抗,但他设法用绳子缠住了她的手腕,然后当她蜷缩在地板上试图阻止他做其他事情时,他只是粗暴地把她带到一个可以绑住她膝盖和脚踝的位置。她从未停止反抗,但她的行动能力在伊万的绿色绳子下逐渐减弱。可怜的无辜的萨赫里被伊万残忍和不寻常的行为所伤,并警告他,他会因为这种行为在地狱里腐烂。幸运的是,伊万不相信有这种东西存在,所以他不用担心,他堵住了她的嘴,然后把她的脚踝绑在手腕上。当他把她独自一人留在那里一分钟后,她跪在地上,但伊万只是把她抱到椅子上,然后放在他的肩膀上,她歇斯底里地尖叫着。Ivan has never liked those door-to-door religious folk, so most of the time he just shuts them out at the door - but most of them don't look like this lady. She may be completely covered and wearing off-black pantyhose, but her fantastic body shows through even in the conservative dress, and she's still wearing high heels. For the first time in his life, he actually wants to let the lord into his life - or at least the lord's servant. Sahrye fights like the devil when Ivan starts to tie her up, but he manages to get rope around her wrists, then when she curls up on the floor to try to prevent him from doing anything else, he just manhandles her into a position where he can tie her knees and ankles. She never stops fighting, but her mobility is progressively reduced with Ivan's green rope. Poor innocent Sahrye is traumatized by Ivan's cruel and unusual behavior, and warns him that he will rot in hell for this kind of behavior. Fortunately for Ivan, he doesn't believe that type of thing exists, so he has nothing to worry about as he gags her, then ties her ankles to her wrists. When he leaves her alone for a minute, she makes her way to her knees on the floor, but Ivan simply lifts her back to the chair and onto his shoulder as she screams hysterically.