Young Chinese girl jade nabbed after a night out
在一次夜游后,中国留学生Jade离开了朋友,独自走回家中,却被抓到并带到了一个陌生人的家中。那个男人把她扛在肩上,把她放倒在地,然后掏出一块手帕勒住她的嘴,让她安静下来。然后她被放倒在地,陌生人开始用绳索将她紧紧捆绑。那个男人告诉她,他需要打几个电话,很快就会回来。Jade在地上滚来滚去,用塞住的嘴喘着粗气,希望能挣脱绳子,但无济于事。她走到门边,试图引起外面的注意,但又一次失败了。她又回到房间中央,四处寻找能帮她脱身的东西,这时她发现桌子上有一把剪刀,而那个男人却愚蠢地把剪刀丢在了一边。她连滚带爬地跑到桌子旁,同时还被绑着、堵着嘴,慢慢地设法推倒桌子,抓住剪刀。然后,Jade试图剪断捆绑她脚踝和手腕的绳索,但她挣扎着调整剪刀。片刻之后,男人回来了,发现J躺在地板中央,试图挣脱束缚。After leaving her friends after a night out jade walks home alone and is nabbed and taken to a strangers home. The man carrys her over his shoulder and places her down before pulling out a handkerchief and pulling it between her l8ps to silence her. She is then played down where the stranger proceeds to tie her in a tight hogtie. The man tells her he needs to make a few phone calls and thar he will be back soon. Jade rolls around on the floor breathing heavy through her gag hoping she can get loose from the ropes but it's no good. She makes her way to the door in a vein attempt to attract attention outside but again she fails. She maneuvers herself back into the middle of the room where she looks around for anything that can help free her when she spots a pair of scissors on the table which the man foolishly left out. She crawls her way to the table while still hogtied and gagged and slowly manages to push the table over and grabs the scissors. Jade then attempts to cut at the ropes that are bind8ng her ankles and wrists but she's struggling adjust the scissors. Moments pass and the man returns to find the jade in the middle of the floor attempting to free hersly