杰米热切地期待着[X_X]的感觉和被木乃伊化的[X_X]。今天,她的欲望得到了满足,她被紧紧地绑在长凳上,身体被层层织物包裹着。一个遥控振动器放在她的胯部,让她的[X_X]如波浪般涌遍全身,让她的身体因狂喜而颤抖。杰米无助而无法动弹,她陶醉于这种强烈的[X_X]。振动器的每一次脉动都感觉像一股新的浪潮冲击着她,让她越来越接近[X_X]的边缘。她完全听任振动器的摆布,无法抗拒它对她身体的强大控制。随着每一刻的流逝,杰米的呻吟声越来越大,越来越急促,因为她同时屈服于被木乃伊化和被带入[X_X]的巨大[X_X]。Jayme eagerly anticipates the sensation of reaching climax and the thrill of being mummified. Today, her desires are fulfilled as she is bound tightly to a bench, her body cocooned in layers of fabric. A remote-control vibrator placed against her crotch sends waves of pleasure coursing through her, causing her body to tremble with ecstasy. Helpless and immobile, Jayme revels in the intense sensations taking over her body. Each pulsation from the vibrator feels like a new wave crashing over her, bringing her closer and closer to the edge of pleasure. She is completely at the mercy of the vibrator, unable to resist its powerful hold on her body. With each passing moment, Jayme's moans become louder and more urgent as she succumbs to the overwhelming pleasure of both being mummified and brought to orgasm at the same time.