我仍在享受第一次的刺激体验!被皮带束缚着,固定在 Ben 自己制作的钢结构上,高高吊起,被捆绑在 Silverdale 的树上!仿佛是为了表示感谢,一长串闪闪发光的唾液从我嘴里的口球中流到几英尺以下的草地上 ;-)I am still enjoying exhilarating experiences for the very first time! Restrained in leather straps, fastened to a steel construction of Ben’s own making, hoisted high, hogtied above Silverdale’s trees! As if to say a thank you, a long string of shimmering saliva drools past the ballgag in my lips to the grassy ground many feet below ;-)