杰米忙于工作,享受着她刚刚获得的升职。作为一名冷酷无情的女商人,杰米登上了顶峰,但也树敌众多。其中一个是我的女朋友,她也曾获得同样的升职机会,现在是时候报复杰米了!我迅速制服了杰米,把她的双手绑在身后。杰米的嘴里塞着口塞,还绑上了胯绳,她的胳膊也被绑住了。杰米一躺到地上,膝盖和脚踝就被绑住了,然后我让她独自挣扎。杰米怒不可遏,拼命想挣脱绳索。杰米的裙子被卷了起来,露出了她性感的臀部,但也让这个无助的少女感到羞辱。希望这能让杰米对自己的商业行为有所教训。Jayme is busy at work, enjoying the new promotion she just received. Being a ruthless businesswoman has gotten Jayme to the top but has also made her a lot of enemies. One of them is my girlfriend who was up for the same promotion and now it is time we get our revenge on Jayme! I quickly overpower Jayme and tie her hands behind her back. A gag is added along with a crotch rope and Jayme’s arms are also tied. Once on the floor Jayme’s knees and ankles are tied before I leave her alone to struggle. Jayme is furious as she desperately tries to escape the ropes. Jayme’s skirt has ridden up showing off her sexy ass but is also humiliating for the helpless damsel. Hopefully this will teach Jayme a lesson about her business practices.